Wind of 10-12 m/s and still +6 degrees C. Organizers are really happy about the outcome of the first two days. 4 races for Kites executed in Course Race discipline and 5 races plus 3 qualification races executed in Slalom Downwind discipline for the Sleds.

Day 2 results have been posted to the website
Leaders of the day:
Sleds/Slalom – Paulius Voverys LTU
Wings/ Slalom – Carl James SWE
Kites Ski/Skate on Course Race – Ronny Bollhalder SUI
Kites Snowboard on Course Race – Alexey Burukhin

The best of the GPS Speed Race discipline so far – current standings:
Kites with Skis – Felix Kersten GER – 93,81121 km/h = 50,654 knots
Sleds – Annika Valkna EST – 72,13355 km/h = 38,949 knots